Julie Alvarado: Heads and Tails

September 2009

Julie alvarado catcircus sm.jpg

Exhibition dates: September 4 – 26 2009

Opening Reception: Friday September 4 from 6-9pm (in conjunction with Oakland Art Murmur)
Reception and Artistsメ Talk: Saturday September 5 from 12-4pm artistsメ talk at 1pm

Julie Alvarado
Heads and Tails: paintings

With her latest body of work Heads and Tails Julie Alvarado has painted classically rendered yet humorous portraits of people and animals in oil acrylic and watercolor. The human subjectメs stories are entwined with the artistメs as well as the creatures with which they share their world. For example the painting of Alvaradoメs friend and colleague Stan Peterson depicts a modern-day wood carver whose love of the craft turns the wooden rabbits he creates into living creatures. Alvaradoメs portrait of a favorite circus performer and her menagerie are enough to make any cat lover’s heart beat a little faster.

julie alvarado
Julie Alvarado Cat Circus 2009 Oil on wood 12 x 12 inches