Margaret Chavigny, Kathleen King, Jill McLennan, Charlie Milgrim: Don’t Look Back

February 2010

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Exhibition dates: February 5 ヨ 27 2010 Opening Reception: Friday February 5 from 6-9pm (in conjunction with Oakland Art Murmur) Dave Meeker: Plugged In 1978-2009meeker

Dave Meeker has liked making things move using motors and other means since he was very young. As a child he had a particular fascination with robots and in fact dreamed of becoming a robot. He grew up an electrician (by trade) and sculptor (by desire) instead. Meeker’s kinetic pieces explore different ways to make objects move.

The artist created his first kinetic piece over thirty years ago from scraps of wood a fan and recycled paper products that his father brought home from his job as an envelope salesman. His current kinetics use air to inflate deflate and otherwise make move recycled materials. Meeker breathes new life into objects that otherwise would have "died"ラdestined for a landfill the burial ground of our cultureメs castoffs. His pieces bring new life to these dead objects.

The "air fountain" series is inspired by botanical forms and uses common materials such as plastic bags and condoms for their fabrication. Each goes through a cycle of expansion and contraction; they breathe. They are reanimated with the air that surrounds us unseen and often unnoticed until that breath is taken away. It takes only a moment to realize you have lost something essential once it is gone. The artist desires to help others see what canメt be seen notice the under valued and to take a moment to breathe.

view more of Dave Meeker’s work on his website Donメt Look Back: sculpture painting mixed media Margaret Chavigny Kathleen King Jill McLennan & Charlie Milgrim chavigny Margaret Chavigny mclennan Jill McLennan milgrim Charlie Milgrim Kathleen King Kathleen King Works on Paper Chela Fielding Patricia Gillespie Maya Kabat Julie Alvarado Joann Biagini Anna Vaughan & Jamie Morgan gillespie Patricia Gillespie maya_kabat Maya Kabat jamie_morgan <Jamie Morgan biagini Joann Biagini alvarado Julie Alvarado anna_vaughan Anna Vaughan fielding Chela FIelding

Mercury 20 Gallery

475 25th Street, Oakland CA 94612

Gallery hours: Friday + Saturday: 12-5pm and by appt