Andrea Brewster: SLENDER THREAD

May 28, 2021 – July 3, 2021

Andrea Brewster’s work from her Slender Thread series explores the nature of fragility and transience through the medium of paper thread and a variety of techniques including looping, knotting and weaving. These biomorphic forms were inspired by Brewster’s reflection on the fragility of life and our individual vulnerability. She states, “As we were all reminded this past year, it takes only one pivotal moment/event/virus to shift the delicate balance and that ultimately, our life hangs by just a slender thread.”

Slender thread 5
'Slender Thread #5," 2021, paper thread, knotting, 3.5L x 2W x 1H inches $125

Available Work

Andrea at work

Andrea Brewster

Andrea Brewster graduated cum laude with a BA in Sculpture from Pomona College and obtained her MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in New Genres. In 1993 she received a National Endowment for the Arts grant for her works on paper. She has exhibited throughout the Bay Area, including solo shows at The Lab and Southern Exposure in San Francisco; and in group shows at Chandra Cerrito Contemporary, the Oakland Museum of California, New Langton Arts in San Francisco, and the Peninsula Museum in San Bruno, California. In 2017, her work was included in an international exhibition devoted to Tatting, a technique for handcrafting a particularly durable lace from a series of knots and loops at the Lacis Museum of Lace and Textiles in Berkeley. In 2020, her work was included in the Headford Lace Project show, “The Space Between,” in Galway, Ireland and in 2021 in the Bi-Annual International Fiber Arts X exhibition held in Sebastopol, California.

For more about Andrea Brewster
