Sara Timberlake Lisch

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     Through my art, I aim to convey a rich tapestry of ideas and emotions through the art of collage-making. My work reflects my deep seated beliefs in the power of imagery to evoke powerful associations and meanings in the viewer’s mind.
In my current work, I have brought together images and motifs, carefully chosen to create a sense of unity and coherence in the overall composition. Each element of the collage has been selected for its ability to evoke a particular emotion or association. I have woven them together to create a narrative that is both evocative and open to interpretation. At the heart of this work lies a deep commitment to the power of metaphor. Through symbolism and allegory, I seek to tap into the deeper layers of meaning beneath the surface of everyday life. By juxtaposing seemingly unrelated images and ideas, I aim to invite the viewer to engage with their subconscious associations and explore the rich potential for interpretation within this complex and multi-layered composition.

My goal as an artist is to create visually compelling and intellectually stimulating work. By pushing the boundaries of traditional artistic techniques and exploring the limits of visual metaphor, I hope to invite my audience to engage with my work in a deeply personal and transformative way, unlocking new depths of understanding and insight along the way.

Education  1987-1992      Evergreen State College B.A. Olympia, WA

Selected Exhibitions 

2016 Function, Form and Fantasy: Ceramics from the Robert and Deanna Harris Burger Collection, Flint Institute of  Arts /Hodge Galleries  2016  Flint MI.

2016   Loretta Crittenden Gallery –  Online Contemporary Art   2016

2008  Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM, Cats 2008

2005  Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM, Man’s Best Friend 2005

2004  Society Of Arts and Craft Museum, Boston, MA, Grimm’s Fairy Tale

2004 Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY, S.O.F.A.

2004 Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM, Figurative Sculpture

2004 A.N. Bush Gallery, Salem, OR, Breath of Fire

2003 William Traver Gallery, Seattle WA, S.O.F.A. Chicago

2002Virginia Breier Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Figurative Show

2002  William Traver Gallery  Animal Allegories  Seattle Wa.


Function, Form, and Fantasy: Ceramics from the Dr. Robert and Deanna Harris Burger Collection,

Janet  Koplos    2016

SF Moma  Tumblr-Boy/Girl-2015/ceramic    2016

SF Moma Tumblr -Whirligig /mixed  media   2016

Lark  Books, 500 Figures in Clay Vol. 2 /2014

Clay Times 2004


Dr. Robert and Deanna Harris Burger

Diane and Sandy Besser Collection,  Sante Fe, N.M.

Dale and Doug Anderson


Mercury 20 Gallery

475 25th Street, Oakland CA 94612

Gallery hours: Friday + Saturday: 12-5pm and by appt